028 | Wellness Gift Ideas that Won’t Insult Your Friends and Family
The last couple/few years have been a dumpster fire. Many of us are struggling with our health and wellness, whether it’s because of stress and burnout, weight gain, social disconnect, financial struggles, and so much more.
Because of that, maybe you want to support your friends and family by giving them a gift that contributes to their health and wellness… but you also don’t want to insult them. There’s no need to imply that someone should be losing weight or working out, or whatever.
So in this podcast episode, I give you more than 10 ideas for health and wellness focused gifts that you can get for your loved ones. Because everyone is different and our relationships with them are different, there’s obviously no one-size-fits-all. (Pun sort of intended… Kinda.)
Wellness Gift Ideas
The gift ideas I talk about in this episode include:
- A playlist of the person’s favorite songs or songs that remind you of them
- A (handmade, if you’re crafty) personalized card telling the person how much they’ve touched your life this year or in general
- Walking shoes
- Things that help people be more comfortable and safe while they’re outside getting some movement, such as outerwear, hats, gloves, scarves, and warm socks; consider also high-vis outerwear and ID bracelets
- Materials or resources to support the person’s favorite hobby or a hobby they’ve been wanting to try
- Toys and things that promote childlike play – like Legos, coloring books, pain-by-number, craft kids, etc.
- Board games – schedule a regular game night as a social connection bonus!
- Dates and social outings
- Services and support, such as house cleaning, space organizing, running errands, and more
- Journals and planners with nice pens (because snazzy new pens are awesome)
- Make a donation to a charity, organization, or cause that is meaningful to that person, especially if it supports a lived experience they’ve had
Some of these ideas make more sense with some additional context, so check out the full podcast episode for more information!
Here are links to a couple of resources I mention in this episode:
- Mood tracker and planner (not an affiliate link)
- “The Science of Gratitude & How to Build a Gratitude Practice,” Dr. Andrew Huberman, Huberman Lab podcast
Other recommended Huberman Lab podcast episodes that support the thought process behind these gift ideas:
- “Science in Social Bonding in Family, Friendship, and Romantic Love”
- “Using Play to Rewire & Improve Your Brain”
Join the conversation!
What is your biggest takeaway from this conversation? Did these suggestion inspire any gift ideas for you? Do you have any go-to gift ideas that your friends and family love? I want to hear from you! Connect with me:
- Facebook group: Badass Is the New Skinny
- Instagram: @sa.brina.brina
- Email: hello@sabrinabrina.com
- The original blog where it all began: badassisthenewskinny.com
Connect with me on Instagram at @sa.brina.brina to share your thoughts!